Career-Changing Classes Available. Start Your Journey Today!
Our classes are filled with immense value!! Take your time to explore it!
PATH™ class:
$250 Full Participation
$99 Observation Only
16 hours of LIVE online PATH™ class (4 classes)
- Greg will coach the actors in a series of exercises which guarantee to improve the audition experience, making it a thrilling act of improvisation and revelation.
- You are guaranteed to work every class​ (Full Participation Only)
- Classes on Zoom: Conveniently use your phone, tablet, or computer over the most popular video learning platform in the world.
- Learn to give dazzling auditions for film, TV, and commercials from all genres, comedy to drama, horror to sci-fi and more!!
- A classroom environment that is incredibly affirming, supportive and non-competitive – an encouraging community that lifts and celebrates each other and the work!​
PLUS LIFETIME ACCESS to Career Changing Digital Content:
Videos: Memorization Pt. 1 & 2
-Whether a seasoned veteran or newbie this memorization technique is a complete game changer!
-A way to memorize that is incredibly effective and frees you from the trap of wooden line readings and contrived performances!​
Video: Overcoming Your Actor Fears
​-Greg coaches you in his patented TAG! technique: A proven system that will allow you to transform your fears and challenges around auditioning/acting into true courage and confidence!
-A real way to face what has been blocking you from thriving and succeeding as an actor!
E-book: TAG Truth. Acceptance. GO.
-Step by step guide to uncovering your acting/auditioning fears and challenges
-Instructions for reframing your challenges into positives, moving you forward with more success
Video: Creating Your Artist Manual
​-Greg guides you through the creation of your Artist's Manual - a tool that will ground and guide you through every step of your audition process!
- No more floundering and panicking when you get your audition!
- A journal in which you can quickly do all needed script analysis, mark your progress, and have your entire, ever improving audition technique ready to go so you can show up and let it rip!!​
​E-book: The Artist's Manual
​-Create THE ULTIMATE tangible tool to continually improve your audition experience
-Simple to follow visuals
-Greg's personal wisdom scattered in to guide you
PATH™ Essentials Summary